India’s Online Game Tax: Will It Kill the Game Industry?

India's Online Game Tax


India’s online gaming industry, which has experienced significant growth over the past few years, is now facing a major setback due to the imposition of a 28% tax on online gaming transactions by the Indian government. This decision, made by the Goods and Services Tax (GST) Council, has sparked concerns among experts and industry insiders about the potential negative impact on the gaming sector. In this article, we will explore the implications of India’s online game tax and discuss its potential consequences for the gaming industry.

The Impact of the Online Game Tax

The introduction of a 28% GST on online gaming transactions in India is seen as a significant blow to the booming industry. Prior to this decision, online gaming platforms and casinos were subject to a smaller tax on the fees charged for offering games. However, the new tax structure will require gaming companies to pay taxes on the full face value of gaming transactions, including player winnings, platform commissions, and income taxes [1].

The implementation of this tax is expected to have several adverse effects on the gaming industry. Firstly, it will increase the overall cost for players, as a significant portion of their spending will now go towards taxes. For every $100 spent by a player, $28 will be allocated to GST alone. Additionally, gaming platforms typically charge a fee of $5-15, and there is also a 30% tax deducted at source (TDS) on any winnings [1].

Secondly, the new tax structure is likely to disincentivize players, as the increased costs may discourage them from participating in online gaming activities. This could result in a decline in user engagement and revenues for gaming companies. Moreover, the imposition of such a high tax is considered inconsistent with global standards, where value-added tax (VAT) or GST is typically levied at a median rate and only on platform fees or commissions [1].

Threats to the Gaming Industry

The online gaming industry in India has witnessed significant growth in recent years, driven by factors such as easy access to affordable smartphones and cheap mobile data. The sector has attracted substantial foreign direct investment, amounting to $2.5 billion, including investments from prominent firms like Tiger Global [1]. However, the introduction of the online game tax raises concerns about the future prospects of the industry.

The tax is expected to impact gaming startups at multiple levels, including their user base, revenues, and investor sentiment. Startups may choose to relocate their businesses outside of India to limit the impact on investors. The decision to impose such a high tax has blindsided the industry and could lead to a funding winter, shaking investor confidence and potentially causing a decline in funding opportunities [1].

Industry Reactions and Legal Concerns

The gaming industry and experts have expressed their discontent and raised concerns about the consequences of the online game tax. Industry representatives argue that the decision is unconstitutional, irrational, and could have catastrophic effects on the gaming industry. They believe that it will wipe out the entire Indian gaming industry, leading to significant job losses and benefiting illegal offshore platforms instead [3].

Legal experts also question the decision to impose such a high tax rate, highlighting the need for exceptions and clarity in the notification. They anticipate an increase in litigation as the gaming industry challenges the tax burden imposed on them. It remains to be seen how this contentious issue will unfold and whether any changes or exemptions will be made in response to industry concerns [4].


The Indian government’s decision to impose a 28% tax on online gaming transactions has raised significant concerns within the gaming industry. The new tax structure, which will increase costs for players and impact gaming companies’ revenues, poses an existential threat to the industry’s growth and could potentially lead to a decline in investments and job losses. The industry’s future depends on how the government and industry stakeholders address these concerns and find a balanced approach to regulate and support the online gaming sector in India.