Diablo 4 Season 1: Essential Preparations and Exciting Features

diablo 4 season 1


Diablo 4’s first season, Season of the Malignant, is just around the corner, and it promises to introduce thrilling new mechanics and experiences for players. To ensure you’re fully prepared for the upcoming season, there are several key tasks and considerations to keep in mind. In this article, we’ll guide you through everything you need to do before Diablo 4 Season 1 kicks off on July 20.

1. Complete the Campaign The most crucial step before diving into Season 1 is completing the Diablo 4 campaign. It’s essential to have unlocked the Tree of Whispers and witnessed the credits to ensure you’re ready for the upcoming seasonal content [1]. Finishing the campaign is not only a prerequisite for accessing the new seasonal content but also vital to avoid spoilers and fully understand the side story of Season of the Malignant.

2. Unlock Your Horse While playing through the Diablo 4 campaign, make sure to unlock your horse. Although the horse quest is technically a side quest, it provides you with a fast and efficient means of transportation within Sanctuary. Having access to a horse at level 1 on all subsequent characters will greatly enhance your leveling experience during Season 1 [1].

3. Uncover the Entire Map Exploring and uncovering the entire map is a crucial aspect of Diablo 4’s gameplay. In Season of the Malignant, your map progress will carry over to your seasonal characters, offering enhanced convenience and a significant boost to your Renown, a valuable currency within the game. Take the time to discover and uncover all areas on the map to maximize your navigation capabilities and increase your Renown at the start of Season 1 [1].

4. Grab Every Altar of Lilith Altars of Lilith are collectibles that grant permanent buffs to your character’s stats. In Season 1, all Altars of Lilith found will remain unlocked when starting a new character, providing you with a substantial Renown boost right from day one. Make it a priority to locate and collect all Altars of Lilith, especially in areas such as the Fractured Peaks, Scosglen, the Dry Steppes, Kehjistan, or Hawezar, to significantly enhance your character’s power [1].

5. Pick a Class Choosing your character class is a significant decision that can greatly impact your gameplay experience. While this step cannot be done in-game, it is vital to carefully consider and select your class before starting Season 1. Take your time to research and understand the unique abilities, playstyles, and strengths of each class to ensure an enjoyable and successful journey through the new season [1].

Exciting Season 1 Features

Season of the Malignant introduces a plethora of exciting features and content for Diablo 4 players. Here are some notable highlights:

  1. New Quest Line: Engage in a captivating quest line featuring new faces, enemies, and powers. Join forces with Cormand, a former Cathedral of Light priest, in his mission to halt the spread of the Malignant plague and protect Sanctuary [2].
  2. Malignant Monsters: Encounter formidable enemies called Malignant Monsters, which possess unique powers. Defeat them to extract their Malignant Hearts, which can be used to enhance your Amulets and Rings and create powerful character builds [2].
  3. Season Journey: Embark on your first Season Journey, a series of challenges and objectives that offer rewarding progression and unique benefits throughout the season [2].
  4. Battle Pass: Season 1 introduces the game’s first Battle Pass, offering a variety of free and paid tiers of content. Level up your Battle Pass by participating in in-game activities and earn exclusive rewards and bonuses along the way [2].


As Diablo 4’s Season of the Malignant approaches, it’s crucial to complete the campaign, unlock essential features like your horse and Altars of Lilith, and uncover the entire map. By diligently preparing before Season 1, you’ll maximize your enjoyment and progress in this exciting new chapter of Diablo 4. Get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey filled with new quests, challenging enemies, and thrilling adventures in Season of the Malignant.

Remember, July 20 is just around the corner, so gear up and prepare to immerse yourself in the world of Diablo 4!